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Newsletter June 2023 - 2

Jun 15, 2023

Newsletter June 2023 -2

Advance care planning is crucial for members of the LBGTQIA+ community to ensure their wishes are met after they pass away. Without proper planning, same-sex partners may not automatically inherit from each other, and unmarried partners may be excluded from decision-making regarding medical treatment or end-of-life care. Advance care planning can also help avoid legal disputes and ensure that the LGBTQ community's rights and interests are protected. It is important to consult with a qualified professional who is knowledgeable about LGBTQ issues to ensure that your advance care plan accurately reflects your wishes and protects your loved ones.

The Importance of a Healthcare Proxy

If you become incapacitated and unable to make medical decisions for yourself, a healthcare proxy ensures that someone you trust is authorized to make decisions on your behalf. This person will be able to make decisions that align with your wishes and values. A healthcare proxy can facilitate communication between your healthcare providers and your loved ones. Your proxy can ask questions, obtain information, and provide updates to your family members, ensuring that everyone is informed about your medical condition and treatment.

Advance Medical Directives

An advance directive, which could also be used as a living will, outlines specific instructions on what should happen after death if certain conditions arise (such as organ donation). The best thing to do is to have a conversation with your partner, whom you trust and love. You can also talk with loved ones who are close to you so that they know what your wishes are in case of an emergency.

You may have questions about whether or not these are needed to ensure proper advance care planning. Give us a call and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Did you know that over 30 states still have a ban on same-sex marriage, so you may not be able to make decisions for your partner during a crisis?

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