Hi, I’m Ashley. I’m a nurse, mom, podcaster, wife, and now a blogger. I’ve been an LPN since 2009. When I first graduated from nursing school, I just knew I would stay in the world of geriatrics. I loved working with this patient population and got a sense of satisfaction that I still cannot explain. Although, this did not last very long. Working with geriatric patients in the setting that I loved was hard on myself and my family. That’s when I found an office job and said goodbye to the patients that I had grown to adore.
Working in an office setting was a change of pace that I did not anticipate. It’s a different kind of busy, and if you ever worked in these two settings, you understand that statement completely. I found myself talking with patients about a completely different aspect of nursing that I had not thought much about at the time.. not being able to afford proper healthcare, namely their medications.
Hearing countless patients tell me they cannot afford their medication or don’t feel they should have to spend hundreds of dollars every month when they have health insurance was overwhelming. I slowly started helping patients in every way that I could think of. I spend hours upon hours of time researching and helping patients get their medications at a more affordable price. This was life-changing for patients. Being the person to call a patient and explain they could get their medication for free or at a deep discount was addicting.
I had such a knack for this that I became well known in the office, so much so that I even helped my co-workers with their medication costs.
I no longer work in this capacity directly, but I still find myself pulled to help patients, even with medications that are being prescribed by other offices. This made me wonder how many people are out there and have no idea where to start. Or what about people who do make enough money to pay for their medications, but are spending hundreds of dollars unnecessarily because they do not know any better.
That is why over the next few weeks, I will be posting about different options that can dramatically cut costs. These will be general things at first, but I hope to expand as we get into questions about more specific medications and/or disease processes.
Disclaimer: Please remember that I am not a doctor, insurance expert, financial advisor, or anything of the sort. I am just a person who knows several tips and tricks that may help you save on your prescriptions. These are options that you can try and talk with your provider about. And yes, there has been a small subgroup of patients and I have not been able to help.
Do you or someone you know have trouble with affording prescription medication(s)?
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